Monday, 9 September 2013

The Rise of Health Apps

The Rise of Health Apps

"The Rise of Health Apps

My teenage niece rarely utters more than 2 words to adults nowadays. So you can imagine my utter shock when she casually declared that 'its kind of cool' that the service I work with has developed a mental health app. 

The app she was referring to is the 'My Journey' youth mental health app. I had to come clean and inform her that even though I led the project, the credit for developing the app belongs to the young people accessing theEarly Intervention in Psychosis Service who have been key in progressing the project. My status of cool was therefore short lived but it opened up one of our longest discussions - on youth mental health and apps.

'My Journey' is one of several youth mental health health apps developed recently alongside a variety of other health apps. This months newsletter looks at 2 other youth health apps and possible implications for clinical systems:

  1. The Well Happy App was developed by Kat Cormack and the team at NHS London. It offers a handy guide to a range youth services in London as well as other features;
  2. Doc Ready aims to help young people prepare for appointments with doctors and other health professionals. The app has been developed by Innovation Labs;
  3. We also take a brief look at some of the possible implications of mobile health for clinicians and health IT systems.".......

'My Journey' EIIP App

Many young people experience thoughts and feelings that can leave them feeling lonely and scared. They can pop up with no warning; changes in your mood, suddenly feeling anxious, withdrawn or lacking in energy can be hard for you or your loved ones to understand if you’ve never experienced those things before. They can leave you feeling isolated too, because they’re difficult to talk about.
The My Journey app is designed to help you keep track of how you’re feeling. By working through the set questions with an easy-to-use rating wheel, My Journey can help you make informed choices about what to do to improve your mental health.
Using My Journey, you can:
  • Monitor your mood
  • Set goals and track your progress at your own pace
  • Receive advice on what to do and who to contact if you need help
  • Keep track of any medication you take
  • As you work through the app, it also gives you simple tips on things you can do to help you feel better such as sleep, dietary and exercise advice.
The app doesn’t store your ratings, so you can use it repeatedly and receive targeted advice on how you’re feeling day by day.
My Journey was created by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and young people who have used our services............

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