Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)

CADMHAS also offer Independent Mental Health Act advocacy if you are:
  • an inpatient in hospital and being assessed or receiving treatment for a mental health problem whilst you are in there 
  • detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act
  • detained on a short term section - (as stated in the Mental Health Measure, Sections 5(2) and 5(4)).
  • conditionally discharged or subject to guardianship
  • subject to a Community Treatment Order
  • an informal patient (receiving treatment by choice and not sectioned)
  • being considered for neurosurgery for mental disorder or ECT at under eighteen years old
You have a RIGHT to have an IMHA who can help you to......
  • get access to information
  • understand and explore options 
  • get support and representation
  • understand and exercise your rights
  • feel valued
  • get your voice heard
  • prepare for and attend ward rounds, appeals and meetings
  • combat discrimination
  • make complaints about your care and treatment
  • Make informed decisions about your care and treatment
You should be advised of your right to an IMHA on assessment under the Act.

Compliments and complaints

The IMHA service values the comments and feedback of those who use the service. Please speak to your advocate or give us a ring for details of how you can do this.

If you need to speak to an IMHA Advocate please call our IMHA answer-phone service on 01745 816501
Advocacy in Conwy and Denbighshire
Advocacy in Conwy and Denbighshire